Asian hot sweet pickles

These tangy and oh-so-simple-to-make sweet and sour Asian pickled cucumbers take only about 5 minutes to make, and are one of our favorite snacks. When will I ever learn to listen? These pickled cucumber are a classic served alongside spicy food, hence why they work so well with Thai, Indonesian, and other Southeast Asian savory flavors. If you think making quick pickled cucumbers is difficult, think again. Note that this recipe calls for kosher salt and not table salt.
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Quick & Spicy Asian Pickles

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Quick Pickled Asian Vegetables - Sweetphi

What is Flavor and Fortune? How do I subscribe? How do I get past issues? How do I advertise? How do I contact the editor? Log In Universally, every culture pickles some things as their means of preserving them.
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Quick Pickled Asian Vegetables

I had the first incarnation of these pickles at a potluck I hosted nearly two years ago. My friend Wendy brought them to the party, and by the end of the night, the once overflowing bowl was reduced to a puddle of brine and with three little spears bobbling amidst the hot peppers and onion slivers. Crisp, fragrant and flavorful, they seemed to pair perfectly with every other dish on the table.
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Last week when I was thinking of what to make for dinner, I knew I wanted to include something with Asian flavors. The recipes I was looking at all included kimchi which is salted and fermented vegetables which my hubby is not that big a fan of. So I decided to try my hand at making some quick pickled Asian vegetables.
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