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Ask Your Question today. You know how you see this in porn videos all the time now, guys holding the girls by the head and forcing them to deep throat really hard until they are gagging and choking or it makes them puke? The girls usually look like they're in pain and torment and obviously don't want it at all and are just doing it for the money. I find it depressing. Very demeaning and cruel. This surely isn't normal outside of porn, right?
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After reading all the Fforum messages, I realize that the risk of contracting HIV from oral sex is quite low. I understand that the risk of getting other STDs is not as low, however. I gave unprotected deep-throat oral sex to guy last week and my throat has been sore ever since. I also swallowed some of his sperm.
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Featuring one of the less appropriate names in our list, Fuck Face is a fan favorite. A relatively straight forward position, there isn't too much to say beyond it being potentially a little difficult for women to be able to stroke with their hands while resting on their elbows. It can also be a little straining on a woman's neck, so we recommend to experiment with kneeling at different heights to find the most comfortable position. Love this position as a guy.
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