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My name is Cindy and on May 29th I celebrated my birthday in the most spectacular way. After taking a shower I went into my room to dress but first I stood in front of a mirror and admired my slender, curvy figure which had blossomed rapidly as I reached My body pleased me and I took time to run my hands over my semi-erect nipples and lower, to my flat stomach, then all the way down to my recently trimmed pussy. I felt a tingling sensation as I traced every inch of my skin. A confident smile covered my face in anticipation of the day ahead. I was lost in the moment but I had to get dressed and head to meet my girlfriends who had promised a surprise birthday party for me. I chose my clothes carefully, sliding on a see-through thong, a matching bra and black sleeveless evening dress, topping my outfit with a denim coat.
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I became aware of my sexuality as a teenager. I was home from school sick one day in the early spring staring out the window of my bedroom looking at the blue sky. I could here my mother down stairs cleaning and watching her favorite daytime shows. I pulled up my flannel nightgown and touched the outside of my panties.
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