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Clitbait: 10 things you didn't know about the clitoris
The Role of Clitoral Anatomy in Female to Male Sex Reassignment Surgery
Can't resist amandapalmer pic. Wolf will settle for a world with equality on toilet walls, where there are as many clitorises graffitied as penises. And now that the giant, golden clitoris has got your attention, here are 10 facts Wolf wants you to know. Mostly invisible below the surface, wrapping around the vaginal tunnel and extending out towards the thighs. A clitoris is made up of 18 distinct parts — a mixture of erectile tissue, muscle and nerves. Both stimulate internal parts of the clitoris.
Clitbait: 10 things you didn't know about the clitoris
Management of the enlarged clitoris, because of its import for sexual function, has been and remains one of the most controversial topics in pediatric urology. Early controversy surrounding clitoroplasty resulted from many factors including an incomplete understanding of clitoral anatomy and incorrect assumptions of the role of the clitoris in sexual function. With a better understanding of anatomy and function, procedures have evolved to preserve clitoral tissue, especially with respect to the neurovascular bundles.
Controversies on clitoral anatomy and its role in female sexual function still make clitoral reconstructive surgery very challenging. We evaluated the role of clitoral anatomic features in female to male sex reassignment surgery. Material and Methods. The study included 97 female transsexuals, aged from 18 to 41 years, who underwent single stage metoidioplasty between March and January The operative technique involved vaginectomy, the release of clitoral ligaments and urethral plate, urethroplasty by combining buccal mucosa graft and genital flaps, and scrotoplasty with insertion of testicle prostheses.