No worries, we're working on it! This site is the sister site to SexyLabia. If you'd like to share your sexy labia pics or videos anonymously please see these instructions. Not sure where to start with things? Start Here. Questions Is there any relation of enlarged clit and female muscle?
Eating disorders are typically characterized as an obsession with getting thinner, for women at least. But, for body builder Candice Armstrong, a desire to get bigger led her down a scary path that culminated in, dear sweet Jesus, growing a penis. It started two years ago when Armstrong wasn't satisfied with how much weight and muscle she was putting on, despite working out for three hours a day. She turned to steroids and while they did help her bulk up, her reliance on them got out of control. Now addicted, she has started growing facial hair, her shoulders have widened, and her clitoris has engorged to the point that it's become what looks like a one-inch-long penis… something I, for one, had no idea was even possible. While steriods and testosterone are not the same thing, testosterone is a steriod and using steriods can cause the same hormonal changes that testosterone would.
Large Clitoral Leiomyoma in a Forty-Two Years Old Premenopausal Woman
Clitromegaly can be congenital or acquired with the former type being more prevalent. The main etiology behind the acquired type is hormonal imbalance affecting mainly adult women. This type is seen mostly in association with polycystic ovarian syndrome, hyperthecosis, ovarian tumors, and clitoral cysts or it can be drug-induced. Clitoral leiomyoma is a rare benign tumor of female genitalia and is an uncommon cause of clitromegaly. We reported a year-old premenopausal woman with a progressively increasing mass since five years ago, who had attended our clinic with urinary retention.
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