I was suppose to be going out with friends. It had been a long two weeks cramming for finals. My sophomore year in college was proving to be much more difficult then my freshman. I had barely stuck my head out of the books long enough to eat, let alone relax. So since this was Friday night, some of my gal pals decided I needed a break.
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The event is organized by New York Jacks, a group that hosts regular meetings for men to gather in relative public to do something nearly every man does in relative private. They take over Paddles on Tuesdays, and on Sundays host a meeting on the third floor of a building on West 38th Street. I first attended a New York Jacks meeting with a friend on a Tuesday a few weeks ago. What if we see someone we know? As in every fetish community, the fear of being outed as a participant in something deemed weird or pervy keeps many people, including bators, in the closet about their interests.