FloriDUH: Man at bar wanted a threesome — got to chill in jail instead - South Florida Sun-Sentinel
A husband and wife were at the Paradise Pub on Tuesday night when a man, Dustin Hicks, reportedly asked them for a cigarette before extending an intimate invitation to them: Hicks put his arm around the wife and asked if she'd like to have sex with him and his girlfriend, according to a Monroe County Sheriff's Office release. Hicks then slapped and punched the husband before hitting him with a bar stool, according to the release. During the altercation, year-old Jessica Brown, of Wildwood, Fla. She allegedly walked up to the husband and also punched him — and his wife as well, according to the release. Another person in the bar told a deputy that Hicks also punched him "for no reason". That was before Thomas Gallagher, 26, of Key Largo, pushed him to the ground during the altercation, according to the release.
FloriDUH: Man at bar wanted a threesome — got to chill in jail instead
Jessica Lynn is a treasure, a passionate and gifted transgender advocate and educator. She has talked at Indiana University countless times, including in my undergraduate classes. Her talks are honest, moving, and thought provoking. She vividly describes her personal transgender experience, highlighting contemporary questions of gender diversity, that get at the pedagogical core of many university courses: to push students to think critically about the world around them, about evidence, language, systems of power, identity, and about humanity.
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