The clitoris is a female sexual organ in mammals - that is common knowledge by now. However, have you ever wondered why do mammalian females have one in the first place? Well, at the beginning of its development, the embryo has no gender. As it prepares to develop into either of the two genders, it forms bud tissues that will later generate either a penis or milk glands.
The clitoris has a glans, a foreskin and a tiny shaft — just like his! Women who have given birth tend to have larger clitorises — the longest ever measured was 12"! In latter-day Turkey, small clits were called sesame seeds, medium sized ones were called lentils, and big ones were called chickpeas. Some women get this because the way their clit is placed means that intercourse hits the spot "from the inside". But most women need external touch.
Skip to content. A physical exam showed that poor Kelly was born without a vagina. The rare condition, known as Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome, can lead to some pretty nasty medical problems for some women as they continue to menstruate but the blood has nowhere to go.
Clitorises longer than an inch are rare with Caucasian women. Some societies across the world have spent more attention on the clitoris than others. On the Easter Islands they even tried to make it artificially longer. In most countries, a negative stance towards sexuality is to blame for the lack of knowledge on clitoris sizes. Clitorises longer than an inch are rare with white women, they are more frequent with black women, but the author of the article doubts even that.