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Chris Donaghue , the author of Sex Outside the Lines. He's talking about urophilia, otherwise known as piss play or—in the words of an unsubstantiated report that's gotten some ink recently—golden showers. And if there's anything we're more squeamish about than sex, it's bathroom habits. Some people think it's nasty and disgusting.
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Why People Like Getting Peed On - VICE

My answer… …is no way. So immature! Alex hopefully figures that I only use the bathroom to brush my teeth and apply lip salve. One exception: When I was pregnant, I started peeing in front of Alex simply because I peed all the time. And he started peeing in front of me. And it was fine. But after a while, I was like, this has got to stop!
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Pee on partner porn

A very delicate sex fetish is called Golden Shower. You always wanted to know what it is? Here we explain what lies behind the practice. This is what a Golden Shower is Golden Shower is a sex practice where you pee on your partner or get pissed on by your partner.
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Takeaway: While pee itself is an interesting kink on its own, what's most fascinating is how many different forms it takes. No, pee fetishim also referred to as urolagnia isn't a typo. In the world of kinks and fetishes , lots of things can be twisted into an erotic sensation.
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