Sign in. Watch now. Bert Newton counts down the sexiest moments in movies and TV from 20 to 1. Visit Prime Video to explore more titles. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! IMDb More.
All great things revolve around sex , including movies. And thanks to the magic of Netflix, you can watch some of the best and sexiest movies in the privacy of your own home, away from judging eyes. Don't feel weird. Here are the sexiest movies to stream on Netflix—you don't even have to wait until after dark to watch them. Patricia Arquette, Ellen DeGeneres, Dermot Mulroney, and Don Johnson star in this pitch-black and steamy neo-noir about the adulterous wife of an ad man whose extramarital affairs spark a comic murder plot. It's a clash of egos that gets even more complex when a minor league baseball groupie enters the picture.
Pornographic films , or sex films , are films that present sexually explicit subject matter in order to arouse and satisfy the viewer. Pornographic films present sexual fantasies and usually include erotically stimulating material such as nudity and sexual intercourse. A distinction is sometimes made between "erotic" films and "pornographic" films on the basis that the latter contain more explicit sexuality , and focus more on arousal than storytelling, but the distinction is highly subjective.
No shade to good porn , but sometimes you just want a little something more, like a whole plotline and characters you actually care about beyond Wait, so did he actually come over just to deliver that pizza? Luckily for everyone, sexy movies do exist. Like, loads of sexy movies. And Netflix is chock-full of sexy scenes that are way more realistic and better than porn Check these 11 movies for the sexiest streamable moments in recent cinematic history.