Vaginal fish smell after hysterectomy

She received antibiotic treatment along with vaginal pessaries providing minimal relief. Her abdominal ultrasound was unremarkable. Speculum examination revealed a small pus discharging sinus at the vaginal vault. Vaginal examination revealed induration and mild pain at the vaginal vault. Pus culture sensitivity revealed staphylococcus infection, which was treated accordingly; however, the discharge persisted. Her ultrasonography was unremarkable.
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Vaginal Odor | Cleveland Clinic

Every month in Sex at Our Age , award-winning senior sexpert Joan Price answers your questions about everything from loss of desire to solo sex and partner issues. Nothing is out of bounds! To send your questions directly to Joan, email sexpert seniorplanet. I also have an odor problem: Oral sex and manual clitoral stimulation used to be my favorites, but now feminine odor — which my gynecologist says is normal — has me too embarrassed to even engage at all.
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A vaginal fishy kind of smell

I am years-old. I had a hysterectomy 13 years ago. It could be an infection, which is more likely, or leakage of urine.
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And it seems to us like all that flowery sunshine is another example of the world getting vaginas all wrong. Just take a quick trip to your local drugstore. Like douching. Widely acknowledged by the medical community as harmful to the natural balance of vaginal flora, this common tool that cleans the vagina might actually cause bacterial vaginosis instead. The truth is, your vagina is home to billions of bacteria.
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