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Much of the world in the early 21 st century pictured a future of massive unemployment due to advances in artificial intelligence AI , robotics, and other technologies replacing human labor. Today we see those fears were unfounded, yet they were important to stimulate new thought. Human creativity is extraordinary. Employment growth in synthetic biology and other new industries are booming today, while self-employment has become an aspirational norm for many, accounting for 2 billion people. Not all have made the transition to self-employment; and hence, economic insecurity persists for about a billion people.
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Making History: The Calm & The Storm review | GamesRadar+

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For over three years, Yemen, officially the Republic of Yemen, has been the theatre of a bloody civil war. This coalition consists of troops and clans loyal to current president Hadi: these forces are mostly Sunni and hail from the South of Yemen. This alliance controls the South and large parts of Eastern Yemen. Despite this exception, the conflict does retain a strong North versus South dimension. The question remains how recent evolutions may alter this balance.
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George Santayana, the Spanish-American writer, famously said, "Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it. You play as one of eight countries Japan, Germany, England, U. We loved having the option to select alternate victory conditions per scenario because it changed how we approached each game and added replayability.
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