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Takeaway: Use your powers as a Dominant for good! The first time I ever found myself in a bedroom, surrounded by rope and in the presence of a willing girl, I will confess I let the moment go to my head. I was 20 years old, she was eager to please, and I had absolutely zero experience with neither rope play , nor acting like someone who was supposed to be "in control" of a kinky situation. As such, we spent very little time talking about scenes and expectations, and plenty of time getting hot and bothered by the prospect of playing master and slave.
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On Top: How to Be a Dominant

He could smell her aroma.. Even though he was playfully being sexually abused by his dominant wife, the opportunity to suck her hot pussy was something he savoured. He Sucked her wonderful pussy feverishly bringing his wife to a stunning climax. After taking a moment to regain her senses, she shoved her husband away from her pussy.. She closed her eyes and savored the fury growing again in her pussy, and when she could stand it no more she buried two fingers into her sodden pussy and finger fucked herself, just as she was about to cum she slowed to a stop. As for going out You may not duplicate or copy any portion of this site without permission.
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Chances are, your man wants you to take charge in the bedroom. Learning how to be dominant in the bedroom is something that I think every woman should learn. No, dominance during sex is not just for men. While it's not one of the usual techniques that I teach in the Bad Girl's Bible , it can help expand your horizons in the bedroom and help give you more ideas as to what's possible with your man.
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