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This year initiates the commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War. This is an occasion for serious reflection on a war that killed some , of our citizens and left many hundreds of thousands emotionally and physically scarred. The price was indeed catastrophic. As a Southerner with ancestors who fought for the Confederacy, I have been intrigued with the question of why my ancestors felt compelled to leave the United States and set up their own country. What brought the American experiment to that extreme juncture? It is easy to understand why slave owners would be concerned about the threat, real or imagined, that Lincoln posed to slavery.
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Slavery in the United States

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Slavery - Wikipedia

Slavery is any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property. Many scholars now use the term chattel slavery to refer to this specific sense of legalised, de jure slavery. In a broader sense, however, the word slavery may also refer to any situation in which an individual is de facto forced to work against their own will. Scholars also use the more generic terms such as unfree labour or forced labour to refer to such situations.
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Why Non-Slaveholding Southerners Fought

To explain the origins of female subordination we need a theory that accounts for the control of women's work by men. Published in , Women's Work, Men's Property: The Origins of Gender and Class , edited by Stephanie Coontz and Peta Henderson, comprises five essays by a group of French and American feminist historians and anthropologists, in search of the sociohistorical basis of gender inequality. Male dominance is one of the earliest known and most widespread forms of inequality in human history. To some, the very idea of a book on the origins of sexual inequality is absurd. Male dominance seems to them a universal, if not inevitable, relationship that has been with us since the dawn of our species.
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Slavery in the United States was the legal institution of human chattel enslavement , primarily of Africans and African Americans , that existed in the United States of America in the 18th and 19th centuries. Slavery had been practiced in British America from early colonial days , and was legal in all Thirteen Colonies at the time of the Declaration of Independence in It lasted in about half the states until , when it was prohibited nationally by the Thirteenth Amendment. As an economic system, slavery was largely replaced by sharecropping and convict leasing. By the time of the American Revolution — , the status of slave had been institutionalized as a racial caste associated with African ancestry.
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