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One for your dick and two up top to put your hands in to brace yourself I guess. I can find the pics if I search through my phone hard enough. My heart was pounding when I opened the door to a pitch-black house. I walked up the staircase, per instructions, to the white door with three holes. The second floor was lit with nothing but candles and the dick hole of the door had her super manicured hand waving for me to come here. So I nervously pulled out my half-chub and put it through the door and waited till I felt pleasure to tell me homie to go away.
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I have this fantasy from time to time, where I'm in a sex club with my wife, and there's a glory hole wall with random penises sticking out. My wife decides to try one. She bends forward and starts sucking on the penis in front of her. She likes to either give or receive, not both at the same time. So, standing there idle, enjoying the show, a penis appears in the hole I'm standing in front of. She looks at me, winks and says 'Try it, you might like it".
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I have this fantasy from time to time, where I'm in a sex club with my wife, and there's a glory hole wall with random penises sticking out. My wife decides to try one. She bends forward and starts sucking on the penis in front of her. She likes to either give or receive, not both at the same time. So, standing there idle, enjoying the show, a penis appears in the hole I'm standing in front of.
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