Position for having sex when pregnant

After all, sex is about enjoying the body, intimacy, and closeness. Intimacy comes in plenty of forms, including kissing, breast pleasure, oral sex, fantasy, and even anal sex. Read up on oral sex techniques. Play with some new toys. Think of pregnancy as a time to experiment, especially in the earlier months, to figure out the ideal position between you and your partner.
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The Best Sex Positions During Pregnancy

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Positions for Pregnant Sex

But after clearing that up, you might be wondering how to make the whole thing work. As your tiny baby bump blossoms into a full-fledged belly, not every position might be comfortable — or satisfying — for you and your partner. Even though having sex while pregnant might seem like unfamiliar territory, there are still plenty of positions that will feel good. And you can use them up until the very end.
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Is It Safe to Have Sex When You're Pregnant?

Well, sure. But the good news? It could be anything from your hormones to getting used to your new body. In the third trimester, a growing belly can start making sex more awkward. During pregnancy, you might feel anything from erotic to sensual or far removed from wanting to have sex.
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Remember that scene in Knocked Up when Seth Rogan's character freaks out about hitting the fetus with his penis? Yeah, it's kind of impossible to forget Rest assured, research shows pregnancy sex is totally safe.
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