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Sometimes, Indians here become particular about skin colour when it comes to marriage, specifically arranged marriage — fair skin is preferred. And, this preference is especially true in Indian women. Dark skinned Indian women have it tough when it comes to matchmaking. Segheppa Samantha maari irukkanum.
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The Unfairness Of Being Dark-Skinned

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The Unfairness Of Being Dark-Skinned | HuffPost India

All rights reserved. As an Indian girl growing up in Australia in the 90s and the s, establishing my identity was not an easy task. I felt as though there was a tug of war between my ethnic background and cultural affiliation to India, and the comparatively "progressive" Western environment within which I was raised in Australia. Funnily enough, skin colour and ethnicity remained an issue throughout my childhood, but it came from both sides. I don't know what your childhood was like, but I would say mine was different to most. I didn't get to play in the sun as much.
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Dear Malaysians, these are 6 annoying things every dark-skinned girl has to tahan

Since I was young, dark skin has been my arch nemesis. Invisible standing right next to her. They adorned her with pretty hairbands and dresses. But thankfully, I never went through with that plan. I remember when I was about 7, just starting primary school, my mom freaked out when she saw me one day right after school.
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Even after all these years, it leaves me exasperated. Some might consider it to be yet another long, slender tentacle that emerges from unrealistic beauty standards, but the truth is, colourism runs deeper than the superficial. The mindset has even led to recent cases of outright discrimination against Africans in the country, earning us a label as one of the most racist countries in the world. Despite being a lived reality for so many people, especially women, the narrative is slowly changing though. A tiny revolution against it is building up as more and more young people speak up about its absurdity through various mediums - be it spoken word poetry, art, illustrations or simply opening up via social media about the injustice of it all.
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