Anal itch, also known as pruritus ani, is an irritating, itchy sensation around the anus the opening through which stool passes out of the body. Anal itch is a symptom, not an illness, and it can have many different causes. In most cases, a person with anal itch does not have a disease of the anus or rectum. Instead, the itchy sensation is a sign that one or more of the following has irritated the skin in the area:. Less often, anal itch is a symptom of some illness or condition that either affects the anal area alone, or involves larger areas of the digestive tract or skin.
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Anal itching, or pruritus ani, is a common symptom of a variety of conditions. Most cases of anal itching can be treated at home without needing to see a doctor. We go over the possible causes, along with at-home remedies to relieve itching. The causes of anal itching are often related to skin or internal medical issues. Skin-related causes of an itchy anus include:.
Itchy bottom pruritus ani is characterised by a strong urge to scratch the skin around your anus. As itchy bottom is a symptom rather than a condition itself, many cases have an underlying cause, for example:. In children, an itchy bottom is often caused by threadworms.