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Don't have an account yet? Get the most out of your experience with a personalized all-access pass to everything local on events, music, restaurants, news and more. And, perhaps more notable, he officially denies knowing anything about alleged "racy" photos referenced in a Reuters story published yesterday. In the recording, Cohen — a man who has ostensibly seen his fair share of shenanigans — said even he found one of the photos to be "terrible. Roston was also the reporter who broke the news that Falwell Jr. Reporters have, ahem , speculated that Granda was the Floridian who had obtained said photos and that Cohen might have leveraged the scandal to get Falwell Jr.
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Jerry Falwell - Wikipedia

I swear, the only good thing to come out of the Trump presidency is the saga involving Jerry Falwell, Jr. The other three came into the picture a year later. And now the New York Times has put together a nice chronology of the whole damn story. Sit down and read it. While there are so many unanswered questions about the whole saga — Why did Falwell take such an interest in this pool attendant?
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Was notorious homophobe Jerry Falwell Jr. blackmailed by his pool boy with ‘racy personal’ pics?

Don't have an account yet? Get the most out of your experience with a personalized all-access pass to everything local on events, music, restaurants, news and more. Through a lawyer, Granda denied that he was involved.
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Music Cues: Jerry Falwell November 13, It's a challenge for public figures to change their minds. Their best quotes can suddenly be used against them. Their former opponents distrust their sincerity; their former supporters doubt their sanity. The press points out their hypocrisy. Public life encourages famous people to press and promote their views -- not reflect on them; or even, perhaps, to change.
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