Kinky traps and sex toys

These top toys promise a little something kinky to share with someone you love. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in found that people who practiced BDSM on a regular basis were less neurotic, more secure in their relationships and had a better overall sense of well-being than those who didn't. If you're already getting kinky, you're probably already familiar with the benefits. If your'e not, maybe you'd like to give it a try? Here are a few key toys that might appeal to your kinky desires.
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The folks at Pipedream products know how to create a visual. Here are some of their most popular dildos, the King Cock line , put up against an average soda can. A general rule of thumb is that the longer the dildo, the thicker it's going to be.
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Top definition. Chinese finger trap unknown. Traditionally it is an ancient chinese finger toy. On the street it is used in reference to a girl that has been known to have sex with two men at the same time from both ends, hence resembling a chinese finger trap , complete with the pulling and pushing.
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