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It's been a while since Hollywood started howling over a French starlet's hooters. Ludivine Sagnier , however, is a breakout talent who's got executives breaking out the Kleenexes. As the mysterious girl of Swimming Pool , she got everyone in a little villa—including repressed author Charlotte Rampling —getting all wet and excited. But that's nothing new for Ludivine, whose ludicrously hot bod is best appreciated in Water Drops on Burning Rocks This sexfest featured her in full-frontal French splendor, plus some truly memorable simulated and kinda kinky sex.
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Newest Top Rated Most Viewed. TheFappening: Ludivine Sagnier Nude. She has been a part of the industry since she was 10 years old, after she was cast in the movie I Want to Go Home. She starred alongside Charlotte Rampling in Swimming Pool. Search results.
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