New holland tobacco stripper

This invention relates generally to devices for removing tobacco leaves or other leaves from the associated stalk upon which the leaf grows. The resinous nature of the tobacco plant and hirsute nature makes the manual processing of the tobacco leaves an arduous task. More recently, however, buyers of tobacco have come to expect that the leaves be segregated by sorting, since the top most portion of the plant represents a finer product than either the middle portion or the lowermost portion thereof. Thus, for tobacco farmers to obtain the best price for their product, it is incumbent upon someone to separate the leaves from the stalk in such a manner that the grade that tobacco buyers demand are readily available so as to increase the profit earnings of the farmer. Heretofore, known prior art exists for removing sections of a plant while growing so that leaves which ripen earlier than others on the stalk can be sequentially harvested and therefore sold already graded.
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() - TOBACCO LEAF STRIPPER (9//82) New Holland Agriculture

Parts for Old Tractors Click Here or call Archived Antique Tractor Photo Ads. Original Ad: New Holland Tobacco stripper with conveyor belt, operates smoothly and in very good shape for its age. Tobacco not being grown in our area so its just been sitting in barn.
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(595) - TOBACCO LEAF STRIPPER (9/80-9/82) New Holland Agriculture

Farm Equipment Auction. Lenoir County. Tractors — Trucks — Case Backhoe.
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Parts for Old Tractors Click Here or call Archived Antique Tractor Photo Ads. Original Ad: New Holland Tobacco stripper with conveyor belt , everything works and is in good shape for its age.
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