Python every sperm is sacred

The sheer amount of minestrone used in the vomiting sequence was only possible because we were with Universal. That part was filmed at Seymour leisure centre in Paddington. On the morning after the final scene, in which Mr Creosote explodes and thousands of gallons of vomit get hurled against the walls, the room was all cleaned up immaculately — and, within 12 hours, two people were married in there. I wonder if they ever knew what had happened hours before.
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Every Sperm Is Sacred

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Every Sperm Is Sacred/Protestant Couple/Adventures of Martin Luther - Monty Python

In Monty Python's "Meaning of Life," a father sings a song to his 50 plus children crowded around their living room. Here's a link to the song from the movie. When Monty Python performed the song, I'm quite confident they didn't intend for anyone to hear it as anything other than satire. It is not to be taken seriously.
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Monty Python - Every Sperm Is Sacred Lyrics

Michael Palin and Terry Jones wrote and performed the sketch and the lyrics. The song is a savage satire of Catholic teachings on reproduction which forbid masturbation and contraception by artificial means. The sketch is about a Catholic man Dad, played by Michael Palin , his wife Mum, played by Terry Jones and their 63 children, who are about to be sold for medical experimentation purposes because their parents can no longer afford to care for such a large family.
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Lyrics submitted by SongMeanings. Log in now to tell us what you think this song means. Create an account with SongMeanings to post comments, submit lyrics, and more.
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