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Use the search and map options below to find a Crisis Center or other important sexual violence program near you. Other services include child protection team and specialized forensic interviews. Other services include arranging for safe emergency housing through motel network. Support groups, on forensic facility and court advocacy.
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Center for Victim Advocacy & Violence Prevention | University of South Florida

The mission of the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence FCADV is to create a violence free world by empowering women and children through the elimination of personal and institutional violence and oppression against all people. FCADV provides leadership, advocacy, education, training, technical assistance, public policy and development, and support to domestic violence center programs. Domestic violence can affect anyone. The abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, economic or a combination of many types of abuse. These trainings are intended to provide information and skills supporting effective advocacy as well as effective programming. Skip to main content.
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Center for Victim Advocacy & Violence Prevention | University of South Florida

Give the gift of hope and healing to those we serve by making a donation. Discover different opportunities to volunteer and be a voice for victims in our community by getting involved with VSC. Teaching kids about consent can start with lessons they already know, like permission to borrow a pencil. If you have questions or would like to have consent taught to a group you're a part of, reach out to our education coordinator on our website. People understand permission and consent already.
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This comprehensive and user-friendly database is searchable by location, type of victimization, type of agency, and available services. Search for More Events. Among the data available are statistics on juvenile victimization. Homicide Trends In The United States This Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS publication series provides data at the state-level related to homicides, including the number of victims, demographic data age, race, and gender , and weapon involvement. Data from the annual survey reported annually include the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States.
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