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Ifrah Ahmed refuses to let the horrific female genital mutilation she suffered at the age of eight define her. A Girl from Mogadishu has just had its UK premiere at the Edinburgh film festival and will be released across the UK in cinemas later this year. In the first 10 minutes it shows Aja Naomi King, who plays Ahmed as a year-old girl, being violently gang-raped by Somali militants. After that, she makes the dangerous journey from Somalia to Ireland to seek asylum, too scared to question anything her male smugglers want her to do.
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Aman: The Story of a Somali Girl

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Aman: The Story of a Somali Girl by Virginia Lee Barnes

In a frank, candid retelling of a difficult life, the authors present honest actions and reactions to customs and events in tribal Somalia beginning in the late '50s when Aman was the young daughter of a woman whose feminist sensibilities caused her to live apart from her husband and earn her own living, dangerous as that might be. Much of Aman's youth was driven by a need for money as well as a need to remain a virgin until married. Ceremonial genital surgery at age nine was performed to help preserve her virginity, but little could be done to prevent her from falling in love with a boy who was forbidden. Once she broke the taboo at 13, her reputation was soiled and her ability to make money affected. From that point to the end of this book, when she was about 19, she was on a rocky road through a disastrous marriage, poverty, war, great risks, and varying luck. Readers cannot help but be captivated by Aman's adolescent mistakes, as well as her indomitable spirit and everlasting optimism.?
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How Ifrah Ahmed, the girl from Mogadishu, took her FGM story to the world

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All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may be shared upon being given prior permission from the editors and the authors. Please write to us: cisp cisp-ngo. Contents Definitions I Foreword
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