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To foster, promote and advance the interests and the true spirit of the game of golf throughout Western Pennsylvania. Chances are there were more ups and downs Thursday in the final round of the th West Penn Open at Valley Brook Country Club than even the black and gold beast that soars above everything else at Kennywood Park. Howe and a five-shot margin over Dan Obremski. Gee started his round with three pars and then ran off four straight birdies to take control of the tournament early. He was very consistent after that, making one birdie and one bogey after that to finish at The Western Pennsylvania Golf Association celebrated its centennial in
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The Game of the Century on Saturday night featured four missed field goals and not a single touchdown. More than a hundred thousand people watched L. Do we call it a draw? Or would they simply keep playing more and more overtimes, adding nothing to the scoreboard?
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The Nicholas E. Originally built in and expanded in , it is the first amateur astronomical observatory in western Pennsylvania dedicated to public education and enjoyment of the science of astronomy. The facility is the focal point for scheduled public viewing evenings star parties , as well as the recreational and scientific observations of the membership. The observatory is a popular outing for scout groups, science classes from local schools, and civic groups. Google Directions.
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This area was somewhat downtrodden for quite sometime. There are more places to stay and more things happening at night in the area than just a few years ago. There is a lot that happens at Market Square year round. There is also a museum dedicated to early photography as well as the National Aviary. There is also a colorful place called Randyland and a art exhibition center in an old mattress factory.
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