Midget modeling agency

For a unique way to stand out in the media landscape, why not hire a male or female dwarf for your next TV commercial? Through our agency, you can rent a midget so that you can spread your brand message in a way that consumers are guaranteed to remember. Our little people are professional and experienced actors in Thailand, so we can guarantee a high level of quality and professionalism from each and every one of them. We know how important it is for your company to stand out, and to effectively communicate your message to consumers. Rent a midget with us and we will connect you with the perfect little person for the job. If you want to connect with your customers, hire a female dwarf for your TV commercial — our little actresses are cute, talented and unforgettable.
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Welcome to Willow Management

We do consider the use of the word midget offensive even though it may not be done intentionally. Our talent team has an enormous experience in the entertainment field. We also specialize in the management of little people who have been featured in Film, Television, Theatre, Commercials, and Video. Our strategy is clear and simple; we carefully choose quality actors with the highest level of and service. Whether you need a principal performer or background atmosphere, we can assist you with your request. If you would like to book a talent please contact us by clicking our Contact link above. We have talent profiles in our Talent link and we have dozens and dozens of pictures under our Photos link.
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Dwarf Agency

This is dwarf entertainment at its finest, perfect for bachelor and bachelorette parties and all types of corporate events. Are you looking to hire entertainment for the holidays? We offer the best little person talent in the industry!
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Visit our new website: www. Patrick's Day Party or Special Event! Professional Dwarf Actors will happily greet your guests and stage and pose for photos.
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