Parkland league midget baseball

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Ending a nearly two decade drought would provide a much-needed boost to a team mired in a morale-testing season. Kamloops has not claimed gold since winning the inaugural tournament, a year streak that includes silver medals in , and They usually come in as one of the top teams in the Alberta league. The top teams in that Alberta league are often comparable in talent to squads in the B.
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Grande Prairie Minor Baseball's mission is to implant in the youth of the City of Grande Prairie and surrounding areas, through the organized sport of baseball, the ideals of honesty, loyalty,courage and sportsmanship. To provide a safe, healthy environment that promotes physical exercise, teamwork, respect for coaches and players, sound baseball fundamentals, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-discipline and fair play, while having fun. We also promote the sport of baseball in all its forms, including the training and encouragement of competitive ball players.
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Youth of all ages throughout the Valley will soon have the chance to break in their gloves and practice their pitches, because baseball season is once again upon us. The club organizes the Royals minor baseball teams, which compete within a Parkland league, and those that rise to the top of the league have an opportunity to play at a provincial event, representing our town and region. The season starts in early May, and runs until the end of June, with provincials taking place in early July. There will be upwards of 12 teams competing and our hosting committee will be looking for volunteers to keep score, maintain fields, and help run our canteen.
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