Drinking piss bad for you

Whatever you want to call it, the practice of drinking urine goes back millennia. Known today as urine therapy, urophagia, or urotherapy, the medicinal use of urine is still practiced in some parts of the world. Reports dating back to ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt suggest that urine therapy has been used to treat everything from acne to cancer. There was a time when doctors tested for diabetes in urine by taste. So, should you be mixing your morning pee into your morning smoothie? Probably not.
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Would You Drink Your Own Pee If It Made You Healthier?

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Risks of drinking pee in a survival situation - Business Insider

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What Are the Risks and Benefits of Drinking Urine?

During his hour ordeal under that boulder, backpacker Aaron Ralston resorted to consuming his own urine in order to stay alive before eventually hacking off his own forearm and escaping. This was an extreme survival case, and pretty much the only time you should even consider drinking from your own spigot. Here's why. Urine is a nitrogen-rich liquid byproduct created by the kidneys—it's the body's primary means of expelling water-soluble chemicals generated through the metabolic process. Urine is actually a secondary waste disposal mechanism.
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Urophagia is the consumption of urine. Urine was used in several ancient cultures for various health, healing, and cosmetic purposes; urine drinking is still practiced today, though there is no proven health benefit to it. In extreme cases, people drink urine if no other potable fluid is available, although numerous credible sources including the US Army Field Manual advise against it.
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