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It was and is quite an eye-popping piece of immersive journalism; among other things, she managed to interview Rachel Uchitel, a host whose affair with Tiger Woods had recently hit the headlines. At the time, however, its author had no idea in what unlikely direction this report would shortly take her, nor for how long. It was an assignment, just like any other. In what way exactly?
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Disclaimer: The following blog is written using generalities. It may not apply to every man, woman, or couple. Further, it is written with a typical, emotionally, and physically safe marriage in mind. Sex is one of those topics that everyone has an opinion about. Love it, hate it, repulsed by it. Scared of it, scarred by it, addicted to it.
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21 reasons why you should have sex and the advantages to our health

Forget anti-wrinkle creams, research claims sex can make you look seven years younger and that's not the only benefit - here's our round up for National Sex Day. You probably don't need much convincing, but there's quite a few health benefits to a healthy sex life. There are quite a few benefits to having sex, from boosting fertility to looking young yes that's a thing , you even get healthier sort of. Semen health was found to be best when sex had last occurred less than two days before the sperm was tested and was greatly decreased after 10 days of abstinence.
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Have you spent the night rolling around a sweaty tent, got naked in the great outdoors, or given into your drunken desire in a portable toilet — all in the name of good, unclean, hedonistic fun? Because of its hippie heritage, some people see it as a memorable place to have a sexual adventure. Glitter, too, can also cause condoms to break — basically, washing your hands before handling condoms is always a good idea. It was the middle of the day on one of the hottest days of the year. His tent was roasting and absolutely stank, but he was very fit.
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