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I'll be the first to tell you I have truly no idea what goes into being a swimsuit model. I assume it's a lot of oil. It looks like it involves lots of sand, lots of body makeup, and probably many, many trips to the wax salon. It apparently can be dangerous, too. If you don't believe me, please consider this video of Kate Upton falling off a rock into the crashing water below her.
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Moment Kate Upton was swept off a rock during topless photoshoot is caught on video

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This Video Of Kate Upton Falling During A Topless Photo Shoot Will Make You Cringe

KATE Upton was ungraciously knocked off a rock while posing topless for a magazine shoot on an exotic island. The American model , 25, was in the middle of a photo shoot on the island of Aruba for Sports Illustrated in October when a particularly strong wave caused her to take a tumble into the sea. In the video, released via the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit's Instagram, Kate looked stunning as she stood atop a rock just offshore. The cover star regular looked relaxed as she posed topless with just her hands to cover her modesty, and while wearing gold bikini bottoms with a long mustard-coloured taffeta train. Just as a member of the crew climbed up the rock to give her some shoes, a huge wave swept the famous model from her previously-safe position. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit wrote alongside their video: "Whoops!
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Donning a pair of glittering gold bikini bottoms, model Kate Upton reminded the world why Aruba is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. The water is beautiful. So far the first shot is great. First shot, no top!
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The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition made quite a splash pun intended when it hit newsstands earlier this year. But the issue also included shoots that stayed true to the heart of what the edition has always been about: gorgeous women embracing their own sexuality while frolicking in the sand and surf. Case in point: Kate Upton, 26, looked absolutely incredible in her spread for the issue. So excited and grateful to be part of SISwim !
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