This is a Flounder Tournament only. All state and federal regulations regarding fishing and boating apply. Anglers must fish from a boat that is not moored to land. Fishing time is from 7am. Friday May 17th, All fish weighed must have been caught on hook and line by a registered contestant.
First Light Charters (Lewes) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos) - TripAdvisor
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Summer is in full swing! The weekends have been crowded, but if you know how to fish the crowds, you can do well. The easiest and best time is to fish when everyone else is still asleep. Predawn hours or after dark into predawn hours is a great time to look for striped bass in the surf … big ones.
Fishing has finally started to come alive. Unfortunately, the weather has kept boats off the water for most of the week and the surf has been pretty rough. When conditions improve there should be some tog on the inshore grounds and on Tuesday, May 15, the black sea bass season will open. I am booked on the Angler out of Ocean City for opening day.