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If you urinate on an electric fence will it shock you? | Questions | Naked Scientists

There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
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A Brooklyn, N. Matthew Zeno, 30, was returning home from a bar early Monday morning July 8 when he chose to relieve himself along the G-train subway line, according to the New York Post. But some analysts are throwing cold water on these kinds of reports, saying it's not possible to be electrocuted by urinating on an electric line. A stream of urine quickly separates into individual droplets, according to the television program "MythBusters.
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On Election Day we can stop being so serious about fact-checking false or deceptive claims and have some fun handing out imaginary hardware to those political ads that caught our eyes for other reasons. But there have been moments that have been humorous, too — sometimes intentionally. And others that have been just strange or ridiculous.
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