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This website contains age restricted materials! You declare under penalty of perjury that you are at least 18 years of age, consent to viewing adult-oriented materials and agree with all the Terms and Conditions. These teen step daughters will go above and beyond what it takes to show their horny fathers how much they adore them, sacrificing their virgin pussies for a sweet taste of papas pecker. Her stepdad has a hard time controlling himself, so whenever she is doing her yoga stretches, the old pervert gets a raging hard on! I like her innocent looks that hides her naughty personality. His wife caught him perving on her daughter, and she was pissed. But as soon as she left them alone, the little slut got down to some serious seduction.
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Kathy let out a sigh as she walked into the house and dropped her books off on the counter. She knew her dad was still at work and that she had the house to herself. With only one more week left in her senior year of high school she was very excited to finally graduate and be able to go to college and start what she hoped would be an exciting life. The pretty, tall girl with blonde hair had celebrated her 18th birthday the week before and had gotten as presents, among other things, new clothes and some things for her dorm room and stuff for her to start college with. She was also happy that her boyfriend, Ken, was going to be going to a school near hers and they would be able to see each other.
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Mandy woke up with a start as the thunder crashed and lightning flared through her window. It was so loud she was standing beside her bed before she realized she had gotten up. The first thing she thought of was that she was much too old to be afraid of lightning and thunder. The second was that the room was cold. She felt her nipples tighten with a small tingle as they pooched out.
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