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His mother trained as a surgeon and was the first woman to win the gold medal for surgery at Glasgow University. As a young man, he planned to become an Episcopal priest and began identifying politically with democratic and christian socialism , identities he still holds to this day. He also worked as a senior partner in shipping insurance and arbitration before his election to parliament. He was elected as a councillor to Cambridge City Council in becoming the mayor of the city in , [7] the youngest mayor in the city's year history. Gardiner contested the London constituency of Brent North at the general election defeating the incumbent Conservative MP Rhodes Boyson by 4, votes.
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It is acid free, chlorine free and is ISO certified. The highlight of the performing arts year was the Haileybury Tattoo, run over six nights with its theme of The United Colours of Haileybury, reflecting the nature of the modern Haileybury. This edition of The Haileyburian offers an insight into many of the outstanding performances and some of the innovative work being completed by students at Haileybury. The Tattoo, at Haileybury, has a year history, having been started by Headmaster, Michael Aikman, to support participation in the performing arts and showcase the Haileybury Pipes and Drums. It has grown into a major variety show held every second year.
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