Sean, Fred, and I must have made loops that summer. The Dirty Three were about as reliable as anybody in the industry for getting it off on cue—perhaps the most reliable. Reems, Costello, and Lincoln were all guys who came to New York to be legitimate actors, and often had training and even gigs off- and off-off-Broadway, who did porn to pay the bills. Female performers often had the same backstory — and directors had their own version of it. I was gearing my films to sell to a specific market because there was not enough money involved to gear it to any other market. Not that they were all there to make art.
Stefanie Bellars - AKA Gorgeous George |
The Duke of York continues to bat above his average as he is now reportedly romancing a stunning model 20 years younger than him. The grand old Duke of York may have had 10, men - and the present Duke of York seems to be aiming to match that figure with stunning women. The latest woman linked to Prince Andrew, 54, is stunning year-old model Monika Jakisic. The palace were even forced to deny rumours that Monika, the ex-girlfriend of George Clooney, was set to wed the fifth in line to the throne. By Simon Keegan. Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice. Prince Andrew's Women.
Prince Andrew's women - from porn star to Playboy model to George Clooney's ex
George Zimmerman, the Florida man acquitted of killing Trayvon Martin, was back in the news last week, this time for bad behavior on social media. After tweeting out a topless photo of his ex-girlfriend—along with the accusation that she is a thief and a slut—Zimmerman is now being investigated by police for criminal harassment. Under Florida law , no nipples means that it is not, in fact, technically "nude. Zimmerman tweeted two 'semi-nude' photos of his ex. It appears that "he was careful to research the law," said Franks.
How a group of pornographers and special effects legends brought a Flash Gordon pastiche to the big screen three years before George Lucas. Football star Flesh Gordon and his girlfriend Dale Ardor, the only survivors of a plane crash caused by the sex rays, team up with a scientist, Dr Flexi Jerkoff, to travel in his very phallic space ship towards the source of the rays. There, they have to overcome Penisauruses, Robosapiens and buxom Amazonian lesbians in order to confront the evil galactic emperor, Wang the Perverted. But the mad emperor has one last trick up his sleeve, as he awakens the giant Great God Porno to give our heroes a distinctly unhappy ending….