Installing a clit ring

Skip navigation! Story from Beauty. Cassi Lopez is the head body piercer at New York Adorned. She has worked in the field for 14 years and specializes in ear and female genital piercings.
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I work as a piercing master. In order to show you guys how that all shit happens I have uploaded the video where one sexy girl gets her clit pierced. Educational video of how to make a clit piercing from my salon. Javascript is turned off in your browser. Some features of this page will not work correctly. Video Url.
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We follow the exact same universal precautions designed to prevent the transmission of HIV, Hepatitis and other blood borne pathogens. We install the absolute best jewelry available on the market, made out of implant grade metals, palladium based gold, or Pyrex appropriately sized for the person who is receiving the piercing. Since we do not use ear-piercing guns, you have a wide range of jewelry options to choose from! We have different metals, colors and sizes. There truly are a lot of options!
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If you're new here, you may want to get my discreet newsletter to learn how to make him sexually obsessed with you and only you. Click here to get it. It's free. It's discreet. Do you know someone who raves about her clitoral piercing?
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