Le gout du clit

Skip navigation! Story from Sex. If you have a vagina, you've probably heard about the enigmatic clitoris, the supposed " magic button " that can give you orgasms capable of solving world peace. While yes, the clit exists — and yes, it can give you amazing orgasms — it's a bit more complicated than that.
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This post is part of Mashable's Masturbation Week. May is National Masturbation Month, so we're celebrating by exploring the many facets of self-love. Cast your mind back to the last time you cracked one out, knocked one off, rubbed one out, masturbated — whatever you call it. You may well have noticed a few rather curious physiological responses that occurred in addition to your own personal pleasure party. Things like getting a rash across your chest after you come, one of your testes ascending while you're jacking off, or not being able to pee afterwards. Granted, we're often far too preoccupied with our own arousal to pay heed to a lot of these little biological quirks.
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Figure Schematic representation of the G-spot G in relation to perineal innervation at the level of the corporis cavernosum clitoridis ccc. Is the female G-spot truly a distinct anatomic entity? J Sex Med. The G-spot triggered a long drawn debate about its very existence.
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