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The girl was listed on a warrant as both the adult perpetrator and the minor victim of two counts of sexual exploitation of minor - second-degree exploitation for making her photo and third-degree exploitation for having her photo in her possession. This is why laws like this are a bad idea. While I can remember goofing around in my early 20s, taking it to Walmart of all places, the results were 2 hard copies easily controlled. And I would dare say no one under 18 was doing this. Times have changed. Teens have always been getting naked and sexy with one another, now they have ways to discretely tease and entice each other.
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A year-old Ohio girl was arrested earlier this month for sending nude photos of herself to other minors and was facing felony criminal charges for illegally using a minor in nudity-oriented material and for possession of criminal tools. If convicted, the teen could have been forced to register as a sexual offender annually for ten years. This week the girl, a student at Licking Valley High School in Newark, Ohio, reached an undisclosed agreement with prosecutors to resolve the case. Details were not released, but the teen won't have to register as a sex offender. The teen allegedly sent the photos to friends via her cell phone after a Licking County prosecutor visited her school to discuss the legal repercussions of possessing or sending pornographic images of minors to others.
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