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Ah, poor Screech — the butt of everyone's jokes and owner of some of TV's most dubious shirts. We were best friends for years. Elizabeth's career path has been rather notorious The film is still considered as one of the worst of all time, winning numerous Razzies and becoming one of the most iconic so-bad-it's-good midnight movie showings. Now of course that would seem very tame.
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Since Zack, Slater, Screech, Jessie, Kelly and Lisa graduated Bayside High, the stars of the show have gone their separate ways, but have had varying degrees of success. So, what did happen to the Saved By The Bell stars? Warning: stripping, sex tapes and stabbings ahead. Jessie was the smartest and most uptight member of the Bayside gang, but soon loosened up by dating beefcake Slater. In , the actress won the role of stripper Nomi Malone in the cult movie Showgirls, notorious for featuring Elizabeth in full-frontal nudity and thrashing around like a woman possessed during a pool sex scene.
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