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Sex is more than just, well, sex. It involves touching, feeling, and being emotionally vulnerable. And when it comes to touching and feeling, acupressure can help. There are techniques and points that can jumpstart that safe and nurturing environment and, in turn, help maximize pleasure. Touching is a powerful thing, especially in areas other than your fun bits. Research shows that the act of physically touching your partner helps create intimacy and relieve stress.
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Voulez-vous nous parler de prix plus bas? Many emotional traumas and stresses are stored in the pelvic region in the form of tension in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons and imbalances in the meridians and organs, resulting in an accumulation of toxins and energetic knots and tangles. Freeing the jing chi of the sexual organs--a powerful source of healing energy--Karsai Nei Tsang helps to resolve physical and emotional blockages in the pelvic area through massage, meridian clearing, and detoxification. Illustrating complete sexual organ massages for women and for men, this book guides you through the techniques of Karsai Nei Tsang--including necessary detox preparations and the underlying Chi Nei Tsang principles--and shows you how to release knots and tight muscles including the hip, buttock, and thigh muscles , unravel nerve and lymphatic tangles, dissolve toxins and sediments, and increase blood flow to the pelvic area.
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