Thanks for connecting! You're almost done. Connect to your existing Cracked account if you have one or create a new Cracked username. Do you feel lousy? I mean actually lousy, not the sort of bland malaise that comes with reading my articles. I ask because I sure do.
Have you ever had something go wrong and then it snowballed into a million other things that went wrong? You may even know a variation of the anger I feel and how it has led me to do and say things that have probably made matters worse and caused more things to go wrong. But the thing I struggle with the most when things go wrong is feeling sorry for myself and complaining about it to other people. It starts when I acknowledge that something is wrong and then dive deeper into sadness and end up sounding whiny and sorry for myself.
You may be in the middle of a party. One that is about as much fun as a sober bachelorette party. Pity Party noun : a one-person party, usually with a theme, similar to that of a junior prom, where even though you can wear your hair in an updo a scrunchie , you dress down, and go nowhere. If only our inner dialogue was as supportive of our dreams as it is of our vices! I mean, how long do you think your bad mood would really last if you only wallowed in water, not wine?
Nobody needs to hear from you anymore, Britt McHenry. You still have your job, you still have your livelihood and you still have your car. That's a lot more than a lot of people have.