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Amy Schumer , our personal role model and the queen of our hearts, is on the cover of Entertainment Weekly this week , naked and covered in mini bottles of alcohol in a boozy ode to American Beauty. She looks foxy as hell, of course, but we are a bit worried about her safety during this photo shoot as one wrong move means shards of glass all up in her naughty bits. Naughty Shards, we think is the medical term. Yes, we know they were probably plastic but just…let us have the Naughty Shards joke, OK? Anyway, minutes after her cover went live on Twitter, the year-old Trainwreck star posted a photo of what looked like an image from that same photoshoot on a computer screen to her own Twitter account. She captioned the image: "And here it is without airbrushing.
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Amy Schumer half nude humping a grenade with a funny look on her face… Amy Schumer looks on this photo like she is humping this fake grenade in high heels and in some sexy, golden corset… her boobs are sticking out as she is posing for the new woman magazine…. Amy Schumer nude covering her big boobs on a photo on which she looks so cute and younger then she is now… she is completely naked but she is using her arms to cover up a little bit her huge, nude breasts… she is holding a microphone and it seems that she likes to do karaoke totally nude…. Amy Schumer nude on artistic photo fooling around with some little bottles… Amy Schumer covered her big boobies with this bottles as well as her shaved thing between her legs… with some silly look on her face she is posing for some hot magazine, hiding her nude body…. Amy Schumer no panties on sexy, leaked photo taken with her cellphone.. Amy Schumer nude posing on a black and white photo where she is sitting on the chair and drinking coffee… she is completely nude, she only has white, sexy panties with lace and high heels on her feet… Amy is topless but she covered her boobs with her hand…on this sexy photo Amy Schumer is showing how the real woman body should look like… she looks so sexy and beautiful…. Skip to content. Can you guess Amy Schumer ass and boobs size and measurements from these pics video?
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Category: Amy Schumer Nude

Schumer got her big capital when she explained on the reaction show Last Comic Reference. More sexy as hell. She considered ahead and restricted for an when topless pic. Amy is presently known for her consistent selects for being the fat accomplishment and yet still matches on eating more energy Amy.
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Along the way, she dropped dozens of quotes about everything from her vagina to gun control. Below, the Cut has compiled the most memorable So I saw the reporter do that, and all the reporters were going crazy, and it was Kim and Kanye, just standing there, owning it, just being short and important. And I think falling is the funniest thing, so I just took a dive in front of them and pretended like I fell. I wrote this joke 2 years ago.
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