Genital warts are warts that form on the skin of the genital area. They are caused by certain subtypes of the human papilloma virus HPV , the same virus that causes warts on other areas of the body. Genital warts are spread through sexual intercourse, so they are classified as a sexually transmitted disease STD , and can affect both men and women. Genital warts also are known as condyloma acuminata or venereal warts.
Vaginal cysts, polyps, and warts | University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
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Genital warts are warts that are on or near the vagina or penis the genitals. Genital warts are usually a sexually transmitted disease STD. They're caused by HPV human papillomavirus. HPV also can cause some types of cancer.
Genital warts are small fleshy growths, bumps or skin changes that appear on or around the genital or anal area. Genital warts are very common. In England, they are the second most common type of sexually transmitted infection STI after chlamydia. Different strains usually affect different parts of the body, including the hands or feet.