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No longer. Read on to discover exactly how your vagina transforms and adjusts to maturing, as well as tips from experts on keeping it healthy and yes, active. The hair down there Perhaps the most noticeable change in your vaginal area is the greying, thinning, and loss of pubic hair. Your scalp, leg, and underarm hair may thin, as well, especially after menopause. On the not-so-bright side, hair begins to appear elsewhere. Fortunately, there are ways to combat this, like creams and laser treatments, which are discreet and fairly inexpensive.
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Vagina Diagram & Anatomy: Everything You Need To Know

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Vagina Diagram & Anatomy: Everything You Need To Know | Teen Vogue

Before I say anything else, understand that you've got nothing to be scared about here, okay? You also don't need to feel embarrassed about not knowing this stuff: not only do plenty of adult women not know either, it's certainly not your fault that no one has given you thorough sex education or asked if you had any questions. Many people experience fear and shame when it comes to their genitals and sex. A lot of people feel those ways because of a lack of accutrate information and because of people or belief systems creating those feelings. We can help with both of those things, and give both good information and support. You can come talk anonymously and directly with us on our moderated forums anytime.
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20 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Vagina

What exactly IS a vagina? It's a surprisingly commong question, and one a good old vagina diagram can sure help out. You might think you've got it all down pat down there, but we use a lot of code words to talk about it, and we use the technical word itself in the wrong way — after all, it's not entirely accurate to call the extended network between your legs just the "vagina.
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While men do pee out of the penis, women do not pee out of the vagina. There are three holes. Learn to know your anatomy. Get a hand mirror and go to town.
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