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T hese days, it seems no raunchy femme-centric Hollywood comedy or TV sitcom is without its obligatory vagina reference. But Hollywood, as ever, is all talk. In an industry run by overgrown schoolboys, breasts remain the primary female erogenous zone. Lad-com producer and director Judd Apatow , having already discovered the comic potential of gratuitous todger in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and the criminally underrated Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story , inserted a closeup of a baby being squeezed out of a real vagina in Knocked Up , but one suspects this was more in a quest for male adolescent yucks than an attempt to even things up. The French film-maker Catherine Breillat , for example, out-Apatows Apatow with an explicit cervical examination and birth sequence in Romance But this is merely a prelude to a Busby Berkeley-esque musical number in which his former mistresses commandeer his phallus for a maypole dance before chopping off the glans with a guillotine.
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Discussion in ' The Vestibule ' started by legacyAccount , Dec 1, Every Wednesday at 3pm PT. Every Friday at 3PM! Every Friday. Search titles only Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Newer Than: Search this thread only Search this forum only Display results as threads.
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Reel Women: About That Rosario Dawson Nude Scene…

Every Wednesday at 3pm PT. Every Friday at 3PM! Every Friday. Search titles only Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Newer Than: Search this thread only Search this forum only Display results as threads.
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In Danny Boyle 's ' Trance ,' Rosario Dawson goes full-frontal much to the delight of many viewers, but the nudity is troublesome and lingers with you long after the film -- and not in a good way. In 'Trance,' Rosario Dawson plays hypnotherapist Elizabeth Lamb, who de-fleeces her vagina before having sex with James McAvoy 's Simon, a man who's gotten himself in a bit of trouble after he's misplaced a valuable piece of art he was supposed to help some bad guys steal. It's impossible to talk about why Dawson's nudity is so bothersome without discussing how problematic the film is: 'Trance' is a heist film, a con-artist story, a psychological thriller with twists and turns that tries to be stylistically abstract, and, finally, a sensual thriller with the most ridiculous twist it's a love story, kind of!
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