Gigi by lelo vibrator

I encourage you to read this before purchasing their products. LELO is a Swedish luxury sex toy company that is well known for the quality of their products. Their sex toys, or pleasure objects as they like to call them, are widely well received so, it might come as a bit of surprise that they would go back to the drawing board to improve the products that so many have already been satisfied with. Several of their very popular vibrators have been redesigned into second generation models, like the GIGI 2. The original GIGI was already a best seller but LELO thought they could improve on the original design by making it completely waterproof and equipping it with a more powerful motor.
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LELO Gigi: A Review

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Lelo Gigi 2 G-spot Vibrator Review – For That Intense Pleasure

A friend recommended the LELO Gigi vibrator to me as she had recently bought one and was having lots of fun with it! I plugged it in to charge for a few hours before I played with it. The light around the control buttons blinked softly to indicate that it was charging. Being the owner of other LELO products, I knew my new toy would be fully charged and ready to go when the light stopped blinking and stayed on fully. On returning to my Gigi later that evening, I found it charged and just waiting for me to begin my journey to ecstasy. It felt very comfortable to hold and light in weight.
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Toy Review: The Lelo Gigi 2

I'm always hesitant to take a company's word at face value, what with their obvious bias. But, today we are looking at what is billed as the world's best selling G-spot vibrator. This is none other than the Lelo Gigi 2. Best selling doesn't necessarily tell you much about how it works or how it supposedly earned that title, so I've decided to get to the bottom of things for myself and share my findings with my readers. If they're right and best selling has some substance to it, I get to see what all the fun is about, and should they be wrong I'll at least get a few orgasms out of the deal.
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It comes in some lovely stylish packaging, a simple pink box with Lelo printed on one side and a clear picture of the toy on the other, none of those horrible cheap looking pictures of half naked women on this one, just a lovely simple yet stylish design. Open the pink box and slide out the black box inside, this looks like a lovely gift box, and the packaging alone would make it an ideal present for someone special. This pouch is lovely, it is just the right size for the toy and looks great, it would mean that the toy would be easy to store in a drawer without it looking obvious. The instruction book is nice and clear with some lovely diagrams inside to help you get started with your new rechargeable toy straight away.
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