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Four Ways To Blow A Job Interview In Less Than Five Minutes

There are many sites on the net which show and teach that how a candidate shall appear when going for an interview. But, sometimes there are certain silent factors as well, which if not taken care of can really affect the section of the candidate. So, here is the list of some of those factors that shall be taken care of. The body language of the candidate speaks a lot about the personality of the candidate. Whenever a candidate is appearing for an interview the interviewer has a rough idea whether the candidate is fit for the job or not.
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10 Ways to Blow a Job Interview

The Web is full of great articles about how to ace the interview. Preparation, listening, good eye contact, dressing for success and relaxing are essential elements of a successful interview. What is never covered are the things that will definitely result in ruining your chance at the job. The obvious ones are being late, snarling at the other employees, and complaining about the coffee.
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