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Critics love Rami Malek, but think 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is an underwhelming mess

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Critics love Rami Malek, but think 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is an underwhelming mess

Early reviews reveal critics aren't exactly asking for an encore after watching the highly anticipated Queen biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody. While the extended musical sequences dazzled critics, the consensus is that it lacks the bite of its source material — which kind of makes sense considering its rocky production history. The original star of the film, Sacha Baron Cohen, quit after reporting creative differences with the Bohemian Rhapsody team and controversy surrounding director Bryan Singer largely disturbed filming, leading to his late-stage replacement. All in all, it looks like the Queen tribute will try its best to rock you, but will more likely result in another fall blockbuster biting the dust. Mara Reinstein, Us Weekly :.
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This company is not yet accredited. To learn more, see reviews below or submit your own. Keep an eye on your inbox, the lastest consumer news is on it's way! A link has directed you to this review.
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Bohemian Rhapsody now rules the roost as the top movie in America , as every true Queen fan could have told you it would. Spoilers ahead for those who haven't seen it. And while that's great for the band's legacy — proof once again that its music has universal appeal — it also means that a surprising amount of untruths are now enshrined as the biography best known to the moviegoing public.
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