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His wife spent three months preparing the Chubby Brown costume for a fancy dress competition so how did it become a matchday outfit for Chris? Since then the year-old has never been to a game without pulling on the outfit his wife Bridget, 53, spent three months hand creating. Home and away, Chris transforms himself into the Teesside comedian on matchday and, even five years on, still often finds himself the centre of attention. As a way of apology the club have now kindly offered Chris a fantastic matchday package for a game of his choice this coming season which will include a meal, the opportunity to meet the players and the chance to watch the match from an executive box. Not forgetting the plaque and Boro brick which take pride of place in his garden and on his driveway.
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Roy Chubby Brown Costume

Chris Jacklin from New Marske met comedian before Friday's show. Chris Jacklin turned a few heads as he made his way into the Roy 'Chubby' Brown gig at Middlesbrough town hall. The avid Boro fan from New Marske is known to Riverside regulars for wearing his costume tribute to the comedian at every home game. It completed a star-studded week for Chris, a social worker, who was interviewed by Bernie Slaven in the Legends Lounge before the game with Fulham. His costume was made by Bridget for a fancy dress party back in and has since seen him stopped and asked for photographs at Boro games across the country. By Andrew Glover Digital publishing editor. Thank you for subscribing See our privacy notice.
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